You say it like it is... Girl!
Sometimes, (NO many times), I think, the world & its leaders, (nuts in charge), are sane, and I'm "the crazy".
I can't for the life of me understand their thinking.
Ukrainians are Nazis? Killing innocents and destroying the structure of a whole nation, is
OK, especially when world is watching.
Don't humans ever grow up? War is BAD...PEACE is GOOD!
People haven't money to buy food...but they seem to manage funds for guns in America.
Remind me...don't guns cost money?
We live in terror for our lives...all sundries even toothpaste is behind lock 'n key in NYC...but not the robbers.
Need a NYC thrill...try being thrown on the subway tracks. (Especially as a train is pulling in).
What the" F" is going on...Janice?
P.S. Your food looks delicious!