When did I Morph into My Own Grandmother?
….. (While I was occupied with routine things) …
I just cleaned out a closet for the first time in 4 decades. Shame on me! Why may you ask…could it be because I had a flood from my bathroom that spilled into it that closet caused it to mildew. This was after a water vacuum sucked up the foul brew to be emptied by the super goodness to knows where. Then my building’s staff employed an electric guzzling de-humidifier. (No this did NOT do the trick)!
Luckily, I have a smaller sliding door closet in another room that I use for this season’s clothing. But still most of my clothes hung in the stinking walk- in one.
Finally at wits end, I called the building’s main office, & complained.
Next morning a crew was in my apartment. Racks were wheeled into my closet; the stinking clothes were moved out to air, the walls painted, and new ugly tile floor laid.
While the complete contents have been removed, and the repairs drying…I’m busy clearing out, and sorting a half century of stuff.
Tax receipts from 1995 until today.
Three dozen books, and clothing I’ll never wear… (“Hello” Goodwill).
For days I’ve been reading, then shredding loads of papers, & filling trashcans. 😥
When at last I sat down & opened dusty picture albums…they brought back so many memories.
Tears rolled for those missing from our lives…
…One forgets how old we’ve gotten, until we peek at our younger images, that were stored in long forgotten buried albums. 😥
Was that really me? 😲
Boy oh boy did I age…I am my own grandmother…now! 👩🦳