“The Only Way to go…”©2024
Today as I entered my apartment building’s lobby…Candy, a long-time tenant spotted me. She waved me over as I passed.
“How are ya”? I asked, adding,” you’re looking good”. (Truth is I just said it automatedly to be nice…I hadn’t really looked at her).
“My sister died last week” …AND you tell me I look good”! 🙄
This Candy is a real Brooklyn tough broad… a no-nonsense nasal voiced take no witness shooter. Me I made a faux pas by throwing a compliment at her…she was in no mood to hear.
Well…of course I was taken back! 🥵
“I’m very sorry about your sister”, I said immediately as fast as I could.
“Then just to be courteous, "I asked, “was she sick”? (I know that was a stupid question, but I didn’t know what to say). 😏
“No” barked Candy, “But she did have a number of ailments…
Now I was unable to leave without allowing her to vent about her loss.
I did not know her older sister.
“She died with her TV remote in her hand.
Huh? 😮
When her husband brought her coffee, next morning, she was still in the same position as she was watching TV in bed…imagine?
Impulsively I retort without thinking, “Your sister was fortunate”!
She swallows hard then looks at me…questioning my sanity & ready to punch me in the face.
But Sandy knows what a quirky sense of humor I have.
So, I drew Candy a picture, “She was dozing & fell into a peaceful sleep in her own bed, in her own home, in her own cozy bedroom. It happened in her own warm cocoon…in not in some strange hospital, or nursing home, or hospice. She was almost 100 years old, and calmly closed her eyes while watching a long TCM movie, with the remote secured in her hand. She probably saw that movie a dozen times. Your sister was lucky… What good planning”!
The movie would be keep running but she would not…
Candy started her nasal “Heh, Heh” 😆…”
“Oh Dee-Dee, I love you”! as she slapped her knee. “You’re right, your right”!
“You made it sound funny & gave me a chuckle…that’s the way I wanna go, now, too”.