My father used to tell us children The Stone Soup story.
A beggar comes into a poor Polish village begging for something to eat. They tell him to scram they do not have enough to eat themselves.
He asks them to throw a stone into the Cauldron of boiling water in the square.
Then he asks," Does anyone have an old, shriveled carrot in the bottom of pantry"?
Toss it in please". Then he asks, "an old, wrinkled Potato ready to throw out, toss it in, please".
Does anyone have a handful of barley lying in the bottom of your cupboard?
Toss it in.
Same with an dried up turnip toss it in. Piece of wilted cabbage or celery...toss it in. A few stale noodles toss them in.
Well after an hour there was enough Stone Soup for the all the whole village.