Meet “Mr. Glass-Half-Empty” …😣😝
He is “Denny-Poo” (glass-half-empty) Jackson, who phoned me to growl.
It is on this swelting sweat your ass off day. 😰😱
I wonder what’s bugging him today. OY VEY! 😣
Better pour some wine into my glass & sit down… I warn myself.
He’s pissed… so he hisses into my ear, “Oh Fuck, I must buy a tuxedo for my first grandchild’s wedding in October”.
(Obviously for any other grandparent, it would be a pleasure).
Never-the-less I suggest to him, “Relax perhaps you can rent one”.
“NO, but I'll use it twice, so I’ll buy damn it as he mutters… shit”.
Stupidly I ask, “Do you expect another happy occasion”?
“No-no but I wear it twice, once for her wedding in October, then they can use it to bury me in it… when I die”. He’s just a bundle of cheer all around this guy…isn’t he? 🙄
Denny-Poo who is a crabby man of 83.
Stubborn & cheap, he insists on taking a packed cross- town-city bus, then transferring to the crime-ridden Subway downtown…twice times daily. He does work at his multi -millionaire son’s office.
My old buddy has faltering knees, & just had knee surgery a few short months ago. He must lean on a cane for balance.
I yelled at him, “Denny-Poo take a Fucken Uber for Heavens’ sake! Your son, Moe will remain a big millionaire… even if he spurges for you use a car service to his office”.
But I should know better to suggest anything rational to him 😏
but like “The Donald” … I don’t know when to stop talking! LOL!
“You could tumble down the steep, the old Subway stairs…especially if some random nut-job gives you a slight nudge”.
Denny-Poo rebutted, “I use my cane in one hand, while I hold onto the banister with on the other side”.
“Lordy you still could easily kill yourself…”
“I don’t care…I’ve got my suitcase packed to go…I’ve lived a good life "and I’m ready to leave.
I’m so crazy that his cranky disposition makes me laugh🤣🙄
Laughter is contagious…so Denny-Poo in spite of his sour mood…shares a reluctant chuckle.