“Just Another Summer Day, in The Big Apple…for Me”
I use a small red electric “Go-Go "mobility scooter, to play” on the sidewalks of New York.
“Look out, world, here I roll…!” 👩🦼
Since its hot as a bowl of steaming oatmeal on this July afternoon, I don’t wish to maneuver on, the city buses, (especially since I use a cane). I instead chose to wiggle, in-between people moving about on the full sidewalks of on my cute, red scooter. If I wish to pass the people walking directly ahead of me, I hit its mouselike horn, while raising one arm & shout, “Excuse me…excuse me… Please” … 🔊
People move quickly, then rubber neck back to see who-the-heck is ordering them to move…aside.
(These sidewalks are narrow so walking in pairs or a group, constitutes an obstacle in my path…for me).
Now because there are many touchy characters amongst us… I defuse “my nervy push thru”, with a very broad smile and a heartfelt “Thank you… thank you”. 😊
(I did that a number of times motoring up Madison Avenue filled with pedestrians & tourists).
Crossing the streets & avenues, at each corner I fear for my life on the Wild West “gutter scene. So many electric delivery -service speeding that DO NOT obey traffic lights. People literally cross their hearts when they make it across the street.
This makes it challenging for me to trek the 20 blocks to my doctor appointment…but in my crazy way, I love the hustle, the shop windows and variety of folks I see on the sidewalks of Manhattan.
When I arrive Dr. Evan’s office, (which is Handi-cap Accessible), I’m buzzed in his iron-gated entrance on street level.
His small office waiting room, it is crowded, every chair has a seated patient. When they so see me in my scooter, they start to shuffle, so I announce, boldly, with my arms in the air “Everyone watch out for your toes… I have no insurance”!
That made all the patients. chuckle… but just the same, they make room for me... fast. LOL!
This humorous unexpected warning made the waiting room strangers to loosen up.
We began friendly banter…mostly about their transportation woes…by the subway delayed trains and frustrating crammed buses…all but me!
Everyone concurred that my way of traveling was the best in The Big Apple!
They looked disheveled & hot…not yours truly! 😀