I may never go on vacation, again…🙄🤪⛱🕶
…at 82 years old it's too hard all around…
I write lists that have lists, so I won’t forget to pack everything I must take with me.
I make plane, hotel and rental car reservations. Get haircut, manicure/pedicure.
I pack some winter & summer clothes, daytime, dinner outfits, jewelry and a little black party number, for the celebration, which is the excuse for my going to Miami.
I must does not forget my makeup, or I scare all for sure! 👹
Water plants… put on security alarms.
Call for Uber to get to airport.
I couldn’t believe that I’m in the Miami Hotel unpacking my suitcase, when I discover, (much to my dismay), I left my most important medication in my home refrigerator!
Oh, lordy how dumb could I be???
Don’t ask what a problem I had getting my medical insurance, to allow a small dose of the meds…to tide me over.
Back home I go…
Returned rental car, shuttled over to airline depot. Happily, plane was only a half hour late.
(1) Smooth ride until descent was announced…then a sharp pain straight across my lower stomach was so painful, that I was forced to double over in a cold sweat, while falling to the floor. ⚡🔥
I turned white and faint.
I frightened my daughter, the passengers, & the stewardesses, on the packed flight. 😱😱😱
Over the loudspeaker. “Passengers please stay seated; we have a medical emergency. We must have aisles clear. When she is off the plane, we will allow you all to de-plane” … (all this ado caused by me). ✈
I was hauled off the plane, wheeled to a waiting ambulance…with lights flashing……scary and most embarrassing. 🚑
Long & short of it, I was a dropped into the emergency room of Norwell Hospital ER, for a battery of tests. 🥼
😢 The only pain I ever had like that was labor, I wasn’t in labor…at 82 that was a safe bet!
Sonogram, blood tests, vitals checked took about 10 hours in ER, in the very cold. I had to beg for 5 blankets to cover me, to keep the air-conditioned deep freeze, (that protected its machines), over the comfort of shivering, ailing patients. 🤧
Turns out I had a severe urinary tract infection. Intravenous bags of antibiotics & an infusion of fluids & then 6 o'clock next morning, I was sent home…with pills and resting instructions.
What could be next? (I remember Mama said, “Things happen in 3's”.
(2) When I turned on my PC…it had been hacked completely! 🙄
It took 3 days for a computer expert to clear out my PC of crap. 😮😓☹
I must admit I am not computer savvy… to say the least, AND I was spacey😵 from the RX of antibiotics I was taking. Poor nerdy expert, Mike who was repairing the problem remotely. I was “cow-eyed dumb” trying to follow his directions. If he could have choked me, he would have. Luckily Mike had patience of a Saint, AND he was in North Carolina, I was in New York… or he would have choked me!
I had the task of finding my old passwords, then coming up with new ones in my foggy, dizzy state. 💡💻🖨🖱
(3) Next…
🚽 My toilet overflowed that night at 2:30 in the A.M…causing a flood. (5th time in about 3 months).
Super had to send a handyman to disconnect all water to the bathroom…He mopped up the mess and zoomed the water vacuum to suck out the pond of dirty toilet water. Bathroom rug got soaked, had to be removed, to be washed, again. HELP!
🚿💧The following morning when the place was finally tidy…I got into the shower, turned on water full force… discovered franticly that my shampoo, conditioner, mousse & hair spray was “lifted from my luggage” by airport security.
OH NO! Flat, oily, knotted flyaway hair, for me, until I can shop for them after I finish with my meds.
Friends can you understand why I may never go on vacation…again! 🙄😰LOL!