Back In the Day…
Last night I was in High School… a teenager, again. 😁
I was dancing in my felt Poodle Skirt, Agora pink sweater, with poodle twin stickpins, chinch belt nipping in my then small waist, black & white Saddle shoes, with bobby sox.
(Underneath I wore my stiffest crinoline, & pointy, pointy bra)
My brunette hair swinging in a long, shiny ponytail. I had a tiny painted beauty mark on my chin like a regular movie star. 😎
On my pillow lips I wore “Baby Pink” or “Tango Orange lipstick”.
I was cute as a button…in the mid 1950’s, & so was my whole Gang.
After school we hung-out in old man Freed’s Candy & Soda Shop. Our quarters kept the Juke box blasting Rock ‘n Roll. 🎵🔊
Fuzzy, Rocco, The Beaver, Tony & all the bunch were “gorgeous” crowned in “DA’s “(Ducks-Ass Dos) coated with grease, in dungarees, with rolled- up cuffs, comb in their back pocket, tee-shirt sleeves folded perfectly, to rest a pack of Lucky Strikes 🚬…so macho…dreamy! 💪
We did the Lindy, to “Rock Around the Clock”, Chuck Berry hits, etc. We danced a slow 2 step to “Earth Angel”, “Sincerely”, and “They Tried to Tell Us we’re too Young”, etc. 🎵🎵🎵
Meanwhile the rest of the gang were sipping Cokes, or a Malted with salty long pretzels, seated at the fountain counter. Some sang “Doo Wop” outside on the street corner. Oh, what good times our gang shared in 1950’s Brooklyn…
Last night my daughter surprised me with tickets to see an AMC Theatre Revival of “Grease”. 😁
Honestly, I had forgotten what a great, happy picture it was.
Hard to believe but this was its 45th anniversary.
The adorable cast…in their prime…just like that old gang of mine.
I was transported to my youth…I LOVED THE WHOLE MOVIE!!! 💚