“Here We Come…”

Dee-Dee Diamond
3 min readOct 13, 2024


👵👵👵👩‍🦱👩‍🦱 Picture us: ‘The Older Golden’ Girls…

Meredith is tall…all legs, knock-kneed, a very fast walker. She wears her short wavy hair au natural…streaky grey. (This came about with the Covid shut in).

Lucy is 4'11", with thick legs, a bumble bee tush, a tilted forward stride. Boyish bobbed auburn hair… she is impeccably dressed in Talbot’s preppy clothing. A scarf fashionably tied at her neck.

Diane struts giraffe-like, skinny lanky, while left foot leans north, the right south. She is an artistic aged “Hippy” who wears Bohemian eccentric clothes. (They coordinate with her pearl grey Afro). Note she does not hear well enough. (Annoyingly, she often forgets to wear her hearing aids).

Betsy pushes her purple chrome walker, with perfect posture…still a regal looker. Very Greenwich, Ct. suburban style. She is woman who died… but was brought back to life, when her heart was re started. (Her blonde hair turned to pure white silk…a surprise gift…from the hereafter). 😮

What do I look-like…shoulder length big hair, a dated glamour puss. LOL!

I lead the pack in my red electric scooter, with flashing lights… ahead of “the goils”. (I maneuver very slowly these days… otherwise).

Three ladies have gray hair, Lucy & I, still dye our tresses.

We all wear makeup, do gussy-up our dwindling looks, and dress chic for our “Night Out”!

“We Paragon Pearls” look forward to our night on the town.

(A few blocks only from home…now- a -days).

As we 5, march in unison, each Saturday at 6:15, thru our Manhattan streets… by passers' smile at us. 😄

Whata group of smiling old broads…they must think.

We are set for our dinner in a variety of neighborhood restaurants.

…. My responsibility is for picking “The Lucky Restaurant” to feed us…🙄

…Woe is Dee-Dee weekly! 😣… Oy Vey! 😅

Here’s why:

(1) Meredith eats only organic, vegetarian food with one starch…no salt.

(2) Betsy doesn’t drink, can’t tolerate much roughage.

(3) Lucy won’t eat carbs, only salmon, nothing spicy… with a mountain of bland steamed veggies, (lots of roughage). She drinks her red wine with so much gusto.

(4) Diane eats only 1/2 a normal meal, small appetite. Takes home leftovers for the next day, but then ends throwing it out, after it grows fur in her refrigerator

(5) Me, I eat everything with spice …that’s on my plate, with my glass of vino. mmmm!😋

When we are seated at a restaurant, many is the time, that one of our Pearls, is dis-satisfied so we must move to another table. (This is if its next to noisy table, is in a draft, faces the kitchen or near the piped music speaker).

Each of us have our aches & pains, children, grandchildren or siblings’ annoyances…but we are grateful survivors.

We give advice amongst ourselves.

Woe is the medical doctor who doesn’t treat one of us right! 😱😱😱😱😱

Collectively, we possess years of experience, a deep sense of empathy, and a shared love for laughter.

How lucky we are to live in the same Paragon Apartment House!




Dee-Dee Diamond

Born & raised in Brooklyn, 80 years, ago. Interviewed by The Brooklyn Historical Society. I published a funny book called” First Stop Brooklyn” it's on Amazon.