Shirley Bassey YOU are the greatest🤍….
I pictured her face, her voice, but I couldn’t remember her name at that exact time… 🤔” a Senior Moment” … they call it. I had heard her music, today… as it drifted briefly from some neighbor’s apartment.
Then I recalled 😏 … its Shirley Bassey!
A flash story from the past pops suddenly into my mind. We loved her music & owned all of her albums. (I still do).
My husband’s friend was a partner, in a dinner/disco Club, in the 1970’s.
This was when clubs of this sort, were in fashion, in “The New York Club Night Scene”.
Studio 54, Regine’s, Cavallaro’s, Doubles, Elmer’s, Maxwell Plum’s etc. the Big Apple were alive with vibrancy.
“The A-List of Beautiful People” who were young & rich…at that time, just wanted to “Party-Party” sure youth & prosperity was theirs…forever!
Now my story:
One-night in1978, I was refreshing my make-up in the ladies' room, of his place. It located via a spiral staircase, on its lower level.
Then I saw who walked in this “Gin Joint” …but Shirley Bassey! 🤗
When I spotted her, I got “Fahclempt”! 🤗🤪
Quickly I composed myself & ran up to the Disc jockey.
I whispered in his ear… who was in house…he instantly threw on a bunch of her records on his turntable.
We all were such fans; the patrons were so excited…
“The Star” was so flattered… as she left the powder room discreetly, (or so she thought). The club was flooded with her glorious singing, over all the speakers.
🔈🔊🎹🎵🎵Shirley Bassey was overwhelmed...and oh so gracious.
She bowed to the crowd…blowing kisses.