“An Acquiring Mind Wants to Know…”!
Killing time after shopping, I stopped in the neighborhood playground to linger awhile in the fresh air. (It being a cool & delightful late afternoon). 😍
Since I’m retired & don’t have to punch a clock…my time is mine. 😂
I found an empty seat on a bench, to enjoy the little children at play.
It was then I spotted the oddity. 😲
POW, it hit me!
The free-standing life-size camel statues meant for the youngsters climb on…are today painted a garish iridescent shiny aquamarine.
WHAT the heck is going on here? 🙄
… Years ago, before the camels made their unexpected appearance, there was a pair of playful giant elephants that my children, then young, would play gleefully climb on.
My kids grew up, married and made me 2 grandchildren.